You may have been
redirected to this page via a mail message you have sent to
a mail account passing through a MyServer.org, Inc. controlled
mail server. Our servers are equipped with a spam filtering
device that looks for common keywords, mail addresses, phrases,
or domain names associated with known spammers. If
you feel this is in error please contact us via our comment
form so we may review the mail in question and take the
appropriate action to rectify the situation. Please include
a copy of the mailing in question.
What is spam?
Spam (unsolicited commercial e-mail) is an email message that
you send to someone when they did not ask for it.
There are many kinds of spamming. Posting irrelevant messages
on newsgroups, usenet, message board, chat sites, forums,
Inc.'s Customer Anti-Spam Policy:
MyServer.org, Inc., has zero tolerance for Unsolicited Broadcast
Email and Unsolicited Commercial Email (“UBE/UCE”,
commonly known as “Spam”) whether originating
from customers, from customers' customers, or from customers
that provide services which are used to support UBE/UCE.
MyServer.org, Inc.
defines UBE/UCE as unsolicited broadcast or commercial email
that is sent to addresses that do not affirmatively and verifiably
request such material from that specific sender, including
but not limited to advertising, surveys, information pieces,
third party spamming, website addresses, sales, and auctions.
The Policy
(1) MyServer.org,
Inc.’s customers, and customers of MyServer.org, Inc.
customers or any downstream customers, are prohibited from
sending and shall not allow their connection to MyServer.org,
Inc. to be used for sending UBE/UCE. Mail senders are required
to maintain records that verify, on a case by case basis,
that explicit affirmative permission was obtained from recipients
before mailing. Lack of such records can be considered, at
MyServer.org, Inc.’s sole discretion, proof that permission
was not obtained.
(2) MyServer.org,
Inc. customers are responsible for ensuring that they, their
customers, and their respective agents and contractors abide
by this policy. MyServer.org, Inc.’s customers will
be held responsible for all traffic either sent via their
connection to MyServer.org, Inc. or sent elsewhere using support
services provided via their connection to MyServer.org, Inc..
"Support services" includes hosting websites, electronic
mailboxes, telephony gateways, IRC servers, sale of spamming
software or other similar services. Customers are also responsible
for ensuring that they do not advertise or promote themselves
through UBE/UCE.
(3) MyServer.org,
Inc. may charge customer and customer shall pay $1000.00 per
valid UBE/UCE complaint of which MyServer.org, Inc. is notified.
(4) If MyServer.org,
Inc. receives a complaint, it will be forwarded to customer
for a response and complete resolution. If within twenty-four
(24) hours there is no response indicating complete resolution,
MyServer.org, Inc. may block traffic to and from the IP address
involved in the UBE/UCE complaint until MyServer.org, Inc.
is convinced that the problem is resolved and preventative
measures have been implemented to prevent the violation from
recurring. If MyServer.org, Inc. receives repeat complaints
indicating that a problem has not been resolved, MyServer.org,
Inc. may block traffic to and from the IP address(es) or,
in its sole discretion, to the customer involved in the UBE/UCE
complaint until MyServer.org, Inc. is convinced that the problem
is resolved. The customer is responsible for all UBE/UCE that
passes through its connection to MyServer.org, Inc..
(5) MyServer.org,
Inc. also reserves the right to block traffic to and from
the IP address(es) involved in hacking, and/or port scanning.
(6) Customers whose
connection to MyServer.org, Inc. is used to provide services
to support UBE/UCE are subject to suspension of services upon
two (2) hours notification.
(7) If you run a
mailserver, you must maintain a mailbox and read mail to postmaster@(your
(8) In addition,
from time to time, MyServer.org, Inc. blocks third party IP
addresses that MyServer.org, Inc. believes are used for the
distribution of UBE/UCE or are designated as open relays.
Any blocking of such IP addresses shall prevent MyServer.org,
Inc. customers from sending or receiving traffic to and from
such IP addresses.
What does
this mean?
(1) You must provide
us with contact information for us to notify you regarding
compliance with these provisions. E-mail and phones/cell phones
are best, but we will attempt contact via pager as well.
(2) You must educate
your customers about UBE/UCE to ensure compliance with these
(3) You must promptly
investigate and satisfactorily deal with any UBE/UCE complaints
forwarded to you.
(4) When using a
mailing list, you must confirm that the recipients on the
mailing lists have requested or otherwise affirmatively accepted
receipt of any materials to be sent by you.
(5) If you host websites,
we suggest that you use a minimum of one IP address per customer
so that MyServer.org, Inc. has the ability to block only that
customer which is distributing UBE/UCE.
6) No customer or
any person acting to use a customer's web site or email address
shall offer to sell or otherwise provide any software or information
that makes it possible for others to disguise or misrepresent
to the intended recipient, or any carrier of internet traffic,
any email's true origin.
a) A violation of
this policy shall subject that customer, at the discretion
of MyServer.org, Inc., to disconnection of their email, web
pages, DNS Records, or all.
7) Listed name servers. The servers covered in this policy
include but are not limited to:
Any domain name or "A" Record(s), CNAME Record(s),
registered on any of these name servers.
Any email host or MX record registered on or residing on these
Any such other server as may come under the control of MyServer.org,
Why this
Unlike senders of
traditional "junk mail" who are required to pay
for envelopes, materials and postage, senders of UBE/UCE can,
given the nature of the internet, impose enormous costs on
the recipients of their messages at little or no cost to themselves.
Costs imposed on UBE/UCE recipients include ISP bandwidth
used to deliver UBE/UCE, additional IP infrastructure needed
to handle UBE/UCE, and time and money wasted in filtering
out and deleting UBE/UCE. MyServer.org, Inc. believes that
users of the internet should not be forced to incur such expenses
without their consent. As a result, MyServer.org, Inc. believes
that the elimination of UBE/UCE will result in a better and
less expensive internet experience for all internet users
and will allow MyServer.org, Inc. to provide better and more
efficient service to its customers.