Technical Support
Configuring DynSite to update DNS Records

First step is to right click on DynSite and choose Account Assistant.

Choose Next.

Choose Dynamic DNS Services for the Server type and choose next.

Under the Service selection choose and then Next.

Choose Configure a new account.� In the Screen Name box put your hostname or domain name.� Then choose next.�

In the login box put your username and then check the box that says this service requires a password.� This will un-gray the password box allowing you to put in your password.� Make sure that the configure a host for this account is checked and choose next.

In the Screen name field put whatever you want to call this host.� (For simplicity I always use the host name)� In the hostname field put only your hostname and then choose from the domains listed for your domain.� Note:� Choose �Your own Domain� to be able to use this on your domain rather than one of MyServer�s.� Choose Next.

Choose Finish.

DynSite will then prompt you to setup another account or another host.� If you have additional hosts to setup for you own domain then follow these instructions again except instead of choosing Configure a New Account, choose add a host to the account.

Once this is all complete you will see an update screen similar to this.


  1. How do I make my domain resolve without the www using DynSite?

In the host field put a @ and this will simulate the root account.

  1. Will DynSite run as a service?

Yes it will. Under Setup choose the options page and choose Launch DynSite at startup. 

Feel free to email myself at or Noel (author of DynSite) You may also leave questions in regards to DynSite and MyServer on and I will answer you there.

For more information or to post questions or comments about the use of our products please visit our Online Support Forum.

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