Port Forwarding on
the Linksys Cable/DSL Router (1.3x firmware)
Special Note:
The router doccumentation states that you cannot have port
forwarding enabled if you have DHCP enabled on the router.
This is NOT correct. You CAN have both port
forwarding AND DHCP active if you take the proper precautions.
You need to create a network that is half static, and half
dynamic. You must assign your server machine a static LAN
IP address. The rest of your computers on your network can
have dynamic LAN IP addresses assigned from the Linksys router.
You must make sure that the range of IP numbers that the Linksys
router assigns does not include the static IP address you
gave your server. For example, if you gave your server the
IP number, then you can tell your Linksys router
to assign IP's from the range of -->
Basically, you don't want the static IP of your server to
be included in the range of IP's your router will be handing
out to the rest of your computers.
1) To log onto
your Linksys router, type in "" into
your web browser.
2) You'll see the following prompt asking for the username
and password. The default password if you have not yet changed
it is admin, there is no username. It is highly recomended
that you change the password when you first get the router.
There are known issues where hackers can gain access from
the outside using the drfault password.

3) After you log on this is the first page you'll see
when you log onto your linksys router.
Click on the "Advanced" tab.
Click on the "Forwarding" tab.
In our example here,
we will forward ports 80 (for HTTP), 110 (for POP Mail), and
ports 25 (for SMTP mail).

The computer (server)
we want to forward the port to in our example has the IP number
of "". If you want to specify only
a single port number, enter the same number in both boxes.
If you want to specify a range, enter the lower and upper
numbers of the range in the two boxes.
Click on "Apply"
at the bottom of the screen and you're done!
The changes take place
immediately and you should be able to access your webserver
by typing in the IP number of your DSL or Cable Modem (WAN
IP number).
You can also access your server from the internal IP number
(LAN), but this does not test if your port forwarding is working
correctly or not. Try using our automated
port sniffer after you have everything set up on your
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