Technical Support


On Windows ME there is no officially supported webserver, (see KB article Q266456) nor is there any webserver installation option from the Windows ME media. It is possible to install the PWS from the Win98 Media, or to install the PWS that comes with NT Option Pack which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website (see KB article Q266456). It is also recommended that you read the instructions below as well. PWS on Windows ME only supports ASP v2

1) Download the newest version of PWS from
Yes, this is the NT 4.0 Option Pack, but it includes the version of PWS for
Win95 which can be used on WinMe with the following tweaks. After
downloading Download.exe, run it and select the option to download PWS for

2) See;EN-US;q246081.
Download the patch and implement per the instruction in this KB article.

3) Important! Do a Custom install of PWS, installing only the Transaction
Server component. To do this, uncheck all the options, then check
Transaction Server - it will add checks to the other components needed for
it, but not the Personal Web Server option.

4) After Setup completes and a reboot, re-run Setup and add PWS. Reboot after
Setup completes.

5) PWS should now work. Easiest way to implement using it for local copies of
your web pages is to copy the contents of the entire local folder structure
of your web site to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot (or the folder you selected during
PWS setup). To clarify, if the local copy of your web site is in
D:\MyWebSite, with the default start page and all sub-folders located
there, you copy all the files and sub-folders, but not the D:\MyWebSite
folder itself.

6) If you are using ASP and your start page is default.asp, allow your file to
overwrite the default.asp file already in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. If you are
using index.htm or some other start page, you need to rename the PWS
default.asp file so it is not the default page for the local site.

7) In your web browser address bar, type...

localhost bring up your start page.

Other installation issues I encountered:

1) PWS Setup replaced regsvr32.exe with an old version. Extract regsvr32.exe
from the WinMe Setup files to C:\Windows\System to replace the old version
that PWS installed there.

2) My linked .js files would not work at first because they were in a folder
called "Scripts", but PWS comes pre-configured with a Virtual Directory by
that same name. So, references to that folder were actually going to the
Virtual Folder, and the requested .js file did not exist there.
Solution: Open the Advanced Options page of PWS manager and remove or rename
the "Scripts" Virtual Directory.

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