Technical Support Whitepapers

The information on this page is intended for people wanting to design their own application for use on another operating system other than windows. asks that if you do write another application that you write it using the open source licensing commonly used in the Linux world., Inc. will gladly post any application on our site with full credits to the author and any open source licensing you include in the application after we review the code. Please make submissions to

Our most current version of the Dynamic DNS App is 2.0 Rev 22. If you wish to download the source code you may do so. We ask that if you make any improvements to the code that you submit the entire VB project in the same manor that we posted it here. The project is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 SP 5 version 8988.

About our Dynamic DNS servers.

We currently have 2 servers to process DNS updates, one is unencrypted the other using 128 bit SSL encryption. The unencrypted server listens on ports 80, 8080, and 1400. the SSL server only listens on port 443. All commands set to the servers must use the following string.

Unencrypted server:

Encrypted Server:

Items indicated in red are variable.

IP address check Command:
The following command will send back the not able IP address that you are currently using. This is helpful to compare what IP your server is currently using and will accept your application with detecting an IP address change. You may use port 80, 8080, or 1400 for the IP address detection.

A successful string will return the following code:


Free Account parameters:

Loggin in:
We recommend that you use the SSL interpreter to log in since you will be passing your username and password.


A successful login will return the following information


Error:Invalid Password

Adding a record:

Deleting a record:
Assuming your application cached the previous or outdated IP address you must first send the delete command to delete the old DNS record before you can send the new DNS record to the server. Sending another add command before deleting the old record will indicate to the server that you wish to set up a round Robbin DNS record. the end result will be 2 DNS records pointing to 2 different IP addresses.

Domain Account parameters:

Loggin in:
We recommend that you use the SSL interpreter to log in since you will be passing your username and password.

fxn=login (Tells the server you are loging in and requests your current settings.)
Usr= (This is your username)
Pwd= (this is your password)

Example string:

A successful login will return the following information:

ExpirationDate:Jun 11 2010 12:00AM (Displays the current experation date of the account)

UserName:USERNAME (Displays the username that logged in)

UserLevel:5 (Displays the current username)



RecordTypes:A,CNAME,MX 1,MX 10,MX 2,MX 3,MX 4,MX 5,MX 6,MX 7,MX 8,MX 9,NS;;A;;@;;;;CNAME;;WWW;;

Adding a record:

Deleting a record:

Port Relay:


For more information or to post questions or comments about the use of our products please visit our Online Support Forum.

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